She is a beautiful, ___ year old, environmental science teacher! She just recently decided that she wanted to start wearing makeup (see the next blog post for her "before and after" -- I gave her a makeup lesson). She also decided that it was about time to purchase a flat iron.
In January, during a shopping trip to the Christmas Tree Shop, she found a flat iron for $15.00. Our friend Liza swears by her CHI flat iron and we all know those can cost upwards of $100. Jen was concerned that her $15 flat iron would not be as good, and Liza was curious to see if the results would be better or worse than the CHI. So it was decided... a flat iron- iron-off!!
Jen's hair was freshly washed and air dried. We split her hair down the middle and then sprayed each side with heat protectant and went on our way. Liza used her CHI while I used Jen's No Name.
We forgot to specify how were were going to do each side, I did mine with a little bend and Liza did hers stick straight. But all in all, we decided that you could not tell the difference.
What do you think??
Why did we do this? Well, we wanted to show people that you do not necessarily have to spend big money on hair appliances to get a good hair style. I will say though, that this is Liza's second CHI. Her first one lasted her over 9 years! She definitely got bang for her buck! We do not yet know how long Jen's No Name will last for so we cannot compare the two variables but that is something to keep in mind too! Let's just say it only lasted a year though... if you spent $15 ever year for 9 years on a flat iron that is $135 right there... is it worth buying the CHI? Up to you.
Now I am not saying ALL less expensive/no name products are just as good as "high end" ones, because I know from personal experience... I bought a more expensive blow dryer then the last two I currently have, and it makes a world of difference; so much better! However, Liza owns a little purple conair and I have used it to give her a blow out before and MAN is it powerful! It is also a matter of what works for you. You may have some super coarse hair and need a more expensive hair tool.
So, in conclusion... take a shot, try it out! Save the box because if you don't like it MOST places will let you return it (make sure to ask), and it is always good to save money where you can.
What kind of flat iron do you currently own, and how do you like it??
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